Saturday, June 14, 2014

jewelry thief

the jewelry thief steals into my room pretending to be invisible, while I'm pretending that she truly is.  without a whisper she swiftly opens the drawers stuffed full of costume baubles fit for royalty.  she pounces upon a few items that make her eyes twinkle and quickly stuffs little fingers with as many sparkly items as she can.  at this point she catches my eye and declares herself queen of a country that her imagination has given a name that requires a long pause during its many syllables (for dramatic effect).  i bow.  she proceeds to decorate her arms with plastic bracelets that eventually weigh her arm down.  when she has sourced  everything that suits her she declares that her kingdom needs her. i shout “long live the queen” and step aside for the thief to steal away with my best plastic.  sneaky little bugger.  her life of high crime seems pretty destined with that sly smile.

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