Monday, June 9, 2014

evening with friends

with a wave of her wand mother nature has released us from the dark depths of winter.  according to the wee ones, summer has begun.  a mess of steamers were purchased.  beer carefully selected.  laughter of a half dozen little girls melts into soft corners of new growth.  a queue forms at the swing set.  bunnies in the yard are chased.  lines from a new play are written and rehearsed.  adult conversation is interrupted by little squirming children looking for a touch of attention before bolting for more adventures with the big kids.  the sun sets but the breeze does not disappoint bringing in warm air with the darkening sky.  a stick hunt ensues and marshmallows are stabbed.  with full bellies and dirty paws the witching hour falls upon us quickly.  home and tucked in before midnight we pray to the gods of long summer nights and high-five them all for a job well done. 

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