Monday, March 31, 2014


a portrait session with jo-hannah

The term, "aspiring musician" does not apply to her anymore... I am not sure if it ever did.  The music flows from her fingers.  Songs created on long drives are transcribed onto paper as soon as time permits and implements are at hand.  She is motivated by creating and assured by the tears and ovations by all who hear her work.  She brings us to worlds that we dream about, holding our hands to ensure that we accompany her on the journey. We envision our own adventure as the music falls upon our ears and allows us to wander as each note envelops us.  She is Jo-Hannah, and I knew her when...

for vovó

We know Vovó as a grandmother.  With these beautiful portraits we get to see just what she was like when she was a child.  She poses in a dress her mother had made from her own wedding dress.  Her hair all done up with bows, her white gloves and white shoes placed on little hands and feet, she is captured in the prime of childhood.  Our three girls have a hard time imaginging that any of us were little like them... but we were.  Here is the evidence.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

two sisters portrait session


mae mae

e and elsa

summer day 2013

I am sure if I raided their room I would find a neat little bag stuffed in a corner, crammed with 
bathing suits, sunscreen, and mismatched flip-flops.

I captured this image last July. Dad had gotten home just in time to jump in the car and join us as we headed to the beach. It seems like forever ago that we were digging into the sand that had turned muddy from the warm Atlantic. In a few short months you will be inches taller and running faster as we make our way back to our favorite place to end a summer day.

portrait session- jenna and porter

Go ahead. I dare you. Ask her what she is going to be when she grows up. She will give you a million answers (they all require different hats). What you will know for sure is that her answers are given without limitations. She sees herself as an equal, with an outlook of daring as robust as the greatest explorer to sail the seas. Teach this one to throw her arms around the impossible and squeeze till she makes it yelp “uncle!” Today she shoots for the moon and with practice, poise, and confidence she will make it. This is a mighty girl. This is my Jenna.

Porter, February 2014